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Episode 11: Elm-Test 2.1 Sep 30, 2016

elm-community/elm-test has seen a significant API change since Elmseed’s first video on elm-test. It looks a little more like RSpec and now uses the Expect module to test values.


$ elm-package install elm-community/elm-test
$ elm-package install rtfeldman/html-test-runner
import Expect
import Test exposing (Test, describe, test)
import Test.Runner.Html

splitTests : Test
splitTests =
  describe "isSplittable"
    [ test "Two different cards" <| \() -> isSplittable aS9D |> Expect.equal False
    , test "Different cards, same suit" <| \() -> isSplittable aS9S |> Expect.equal False
    , test "Same cards" <| \() -> isSplittable aSaD |> Expect.equal True
    , test "Two face cards" <| \() -> isSplittable tHqC |> Expect.equal True

main : Program Never
main = splitTests