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Episode 27: Resize Images Mar 9, 2017

It is possible to resize images in the client’s web browser using the canvas API. This eliminates the need for your server to do the work, and allows the client to upload the correct file directly to S3. We use the same simonh1000/file-reader module as the last two weeks, which allows us to pass native File objects through ports to a canvas for drawing.



main.ports.crop.subscribe(function (options) {
  let img = new Image()
  img.src = options.imgSrc
  let canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
  canvas.width = options.dim
  canvas.height = options.dim
  canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, options.x, options.y, options.dim, options.dim, 0, 0, options.dim, options.dim)
  canvas.toBlob(function (blob) {
    main.ports.incomingCroppedFile.send(new File([blob], "cropped.jpg"))


update msg model =
    case msg of
        MouseUp ( upX, upY ) ->
                -- …
                cmd =
                    case model.encodedFile of
                        Just imgSrc ->
                            crop { imgSrc = imgSrc, x = downX, y = downY, dim = dim }

                        Nothing ->
                model ! [ cmd ]

        IncomingCroppedFile blob ->
                file =
                    JD.decodeValue nativeFileDecoder blob
                        |> Result.toMaybe
                { model | fileToUpload = file } ! []

port crop : { imgSrc : String, x : Float, y : Float, dim : Float } -> Cmd msg

port incomingCroppedFile : (JD.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg