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Episode 10: Json.Decode.Extra Sep 15, 2016

Json.Decode.Extra is a set of “Convenience functions for working with Json”. It adds functions that you’ll find yourself in need of when doing more advanced work with Json and Elm. Elm’s default Json.Decode library is pretty good but has some shortcomings.


$ elm-package install elm-community/json-extra
import Json.Decode.Extra as Extra exposing ((|:))

metaDataDecoder : Decoder MetaData
metaDataDecoder = MetaData ("username" := JD.string)
    |: ("lastPlayedAt" :=
    |: ("url" := JD.string)
    |: ("bank" := JD.float)
    |: ("lastBetSize" := betDecoder)

betDecoder : Decoder (Maybe Float)
betDecoder =
  Json.Decode.float |> Extra.withDefault 0.0